The Bridge
About Us
The Bridge is a campus of the First Seventh-day Adventist Church gathering in Morris Elementary. Whether you are a devoted follower of Jesus, a skeptic giving this whole church thing a shot, or somewhere in between – you are welcome here.At The Bridge, we will never assume that you have your life together, if you won’t make that assumption about us. We are a group of imperfect people, loved by a perfect God. In 2017, we began with a handful of these imperfect people and a God-sized dream to help others possess a heart for God, possess a heart for others, and possessing a heart to serve. We’ve seen God do some incredible things. He has saved people, brought healing, touched our city and changed lives. We gather at noon each Saturday, meet in homes throughout the week all across the city, and continue to pursue God and the mission he has given us. We hope The Bridge will become a place where you find life in Jesus Christ.
Connect on Saturdays
Each Saturday, we gather at 12:30pm online for the purpose of worshipping God and encouraging each other. Previously, our Saturday Worship Gatherings were a laid back, Christ exalting time of worship, bible study, communion, and prayer. The attire was casual and all were invited to stay a few minutes after service, grab a bite to eat, and make themselves at home.
Connect during the Week
Missional Communities
Missional communities are smaller gatherings throughout the week. They meet in homes, parks, coffee shops, and a variety of other places to help us grow in our love for GOD and people. The components of the missional communities are: the family meal, missional living, fellowship, and serving. Click Here to sign up for missional communities. Watch Video
Virtual Bible Study
Virtual Bible Study is a way for our community to connect through the study of the word. Each Tuesday at 7:00-8:00pm for 8 week sessions we connect via zoom meetings.
Bridge Empowerment Team
Exists to empower our members and individuals in our community with opportunities to become self-sufficient and able access permanent life solutions through careful planning and implementation with the utmost care and support that can be provided.
Fellowship Fitness
Fitness Fellowship seeks to cultivate an environment that encourages individuals to pursue a healthy, balanced lifestyle in community by providing opportunities to be active in physical fitness while building friendships and making connections. Join us each Sunday at 10:00am at Oakwood Adventist Academy gym.
Serving the City
Our desire is to create a culture where service becomes a lifestyle. Although we serve often as a church family, our prayer is that we will serve daily as the people of God — not because it was planned, or cleverly promoted, but because service is at the very core of who Jesus was, is, and always will be. As a church family, we believe it is essential that each person in our community of faith join us in a deep commitment to pursue a lifestyle of service towards others as we become more like Jesus. Click Here to learn more about a few of the practical ways in which you can serve at the Bridge and in our city.
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The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that radically changes lives. We will therefore preach
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We Exist To Connect People To Jesus And Each Other
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