with us
Volunteer Roles
As a church family, we believe it is essential that each person in our community of faith join us in service.
We want to welcome people at the door just as you would at your own home. The welcome team’s role is to make regulars and guests feel welcome as they arrive, hang out in the lobby, find their seat, etc. This team helps people find their way in, answers basic questions, and creates a welcoming atmosphere.
Bridge Kids volunteers arrive early to create a welcoming, safe, and engaging environment for the kids. As kids arrive, this team interacts with parents and cares for the kids. Some Bridge Kids classes have curriculum, and the volunteers assist in the classroom. To serve on this team, you must fill out a background check with Ethos. Scroll to the bottom of this page to fill out our background check.
Ministry doesn’t end when church is over — we want the Gospel to keep being preached after we leave. An easy way to do this is to make sure the rented spaces we are in are cleaner than how we found them. The clean up team remains after the last worship gathering and helps clean up the worship space by putting up chairs, tables, etc. This usually takes 30–45 minutes.
The tech team arrives before the worship gathering and assists our tech staff in preparing the space for worship. This includes setting up the stage for the worship team, setting up video systems, assisting the audio engineer through sound check, and more. The tech team also assists in clean up. This role includes some heavy lifting. Prior experience preferred, but not required!
The set up team arrives early to prepare the space for worship both physically and spiritually. By setting out chairs, tables, and more, you have the opportunity to create a welcoming, comfortable environment for each person to encounter Jesus. Each item we set up has a distinct purpose to help people connect with God; the set up team is a vital part of setting the stage for people to experience the life-changing love of Jesus.
We provide refreshments not just as a service, but also as an aid in creating a welcoming and hospitable environment for our guests. The hospitality team helps create a comfortable place in the lobby to grab a snack and chat with someone from our family. This team serves as an extension of the welcome team by greeting regulars and guests as they get their refreshments and find their way around.
The Bible continually encourages us to get on our knees in prayer, and we seek to spiritually prepare the places we gather. The prayer team arrives early to cover our gatherings in prayer, both individually and as a team. They pray over the teaching team, worship team, the hearts of people who will be attending, for the Holy Spirit to move, against spiritual warfare, etc. They also lead out an early Morning Prayer call on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday mornings at 6:00am. We believe in the power of prayer, and the prayer team helps set the stage spiritually for God to move in mighty ways each Saturday.
To Volunteer with Bridge Kids
To sign up to volunteer with Bridge Kids, fill out the form and complete a background check by clicking both of the blue buttons below.
For the safety of our children at Bridge Kids, all Bridge Kids Volunteers must go through a mandatory background check. If you signed up to be a volunteer with Bridge Kids in the above form, please take a moment to complete the background check process below. We are unable to accept background checks from other sources (i.e. your work, previous churches). If you have any questions, please contact us.
New Grace Music Band
The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that
The success of our Church depends on participation from people like you. Get involved in our Ministries – it will change your life.
Where Do I Start?
The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of that, we steward a message that